发布时间: 2021.06.09
文章作者: 楷柏君
How to answer an interest rate risk management question
在真实的business world中,很多企业都会面临如何有效管理存款或者借款而引发的利率风险的挑战。利率风险管理也是AFM的高频考点。要能够顺利完成此类题目,除了系统地学习相关专业知识以外好的考试技巧更是至关重要。
本文以解析管理借款利率风险的真题为基础,希望能够帮助各位考生在全球考中最大化此类考题的得分值。(本题目中没有涉及远期合同,请review technical article on ACCA website)。考官要求考生除了能够计算每种hedging的结果以外,更能够结合题目中给定企业的特定背景去综合有效地讨论每种衍生产品的优缺点!
Required: Based on the three hedging choices Alecto Co is considering and assuming that the company does not face any basis risk, recommend a hedging strategy for the €22,000,000 loan. Support your recommendation with appropriate comments and relevant calculations in €. (17 marks)
Borrowing period=5 months
考官多次强调回答此类考题时一定先画出时间轴,并标明今天的日期,借款日,以及期货合同到期日等重要的信息。Alecto需要在四个月以后借款,其担心是,在这期间由于借款利率上涨,而造成在四个月后借款和今天去借款相比,借款成本增加。如果借款利率上涨,则利率期货合同的价格会下降(因为利率期货合同的报价为100-yield)。这意味如果Alecto在2012年5月1日即借款日(也是利率风险结束日(close-out date))以当日低价买进期货合同,再以现在约定的高价出售期货合同,则会在期货市场上make profit which can be used to offset the loss from trading in spot market。
很多考生are struggled with hedging interest rate risk,是因为ignore the fact:在2012月5月1日,Alecto会按照当日spot LIBOR plus 0.8%借款。
❖To sell 37 June interest rate futures at price 96.16(Interest rate risk结束日在5月1日,所以应该选择6月30日过期的期货合同。如果是借款,则先去预约卖futures)
Effective rates by using futures
计算在期货市场上的profits 或losses都是以基点作为基础的。题目中给到一份利率期货合同一个基点的价值是25欧元。当利率上涨0.5%的情况下,在一份期货合同上赚的profit是14个基点,所以37份期货合同total profits=14X37X25=€12,950
当存款利率下降,对于借款企业是有利,但是使用期货的实际效果就是,把借款利率锁定到了一固定利率。即使利率下跌,借款企业也无法take advantage of favorable movement in interest rates which is one of drawbacks of using futures hedging
由于Alecto会在今天去约定在未来时点出售期货合同,所以应该购买put options on futures,。期权合同的数量以及过期日都和对应的期货合同一致,这些information都需要在考试中在告诉你的考官。
考官在考试报告中多次中提及:考生不用像他的答案一样,把每组行权价下的hedging results都算出来,因为在考试中时间有限。但是一定需要说明选择行权价的原因。比如如果行权价为96,其对应的借款利率为4%,加上6月看跌期权的premium ,总成本为:4.163%。如果选择行权价为96.5,总成本为4.081%,为了使得借款成本最低,选择strike price=96.5。
❖To buy 37 June put options at strike price =96.5 as it may give the most cost-effective result
❖Non-refundable premium=58.1X37X25=€53,743
(一份June put option at strike price=96.5的premium为58.1basis points)
❖Effective rates
可以看出使用puts on futures ,在LIBOR下降0.5%时,会比使用futures 的成本低。这体现了期权的特征:企业可以在利率变动对其有利的情况下,通过不行权而获利。但是可以看到即使不行权,企业依旧需要支付昂贵的期权premium(高达€53,743)。所以有的企业会考虑使用双限期权去降低应付premium.
当利率下降,期货合同的价格上涨,calls会被持有方行权,Alecto会make loss 从而限制了其最低的借款利率。
Hedging using the interest rate futures market fixes the rate at 4·47%, whereas with options on futures or a collar hedge, the net cost changes. If interest rates fall in the future then a hedge using options gives the most favourable rate. However, if interest rates increase then a hedge using futures gives the lowest interest payment cost and hedging with options give the highest cost, with the cost of the collar hedge being in between the two. If Alecto Co’s aim is to fix its interest rate whatever happens to future rates then the preferred instrument would be futures. This recommendation is made without considering margin and other transactional costs, and basis risk.These need to be taken into account before a final decision is made.
发布时间: 2021.06.09
文章作者: 楷柏君